Did you know?
There is no federal funding for problem gambling services. That’s right — not one dollar!
Funding for problem gambling services is almost exclusively reliant on industry. While are grateful to our industry partners as they prioritize the need to address responsible gambling and support problem gambling services, we seek to diversify funding in other arenas, through pursuing grants and donations from people like you!
Where Do Donations to OCPG Go?
All of our funds go directly to support three of our key goals: service, advocacy and research. We have the highest rating in organizational transparency, the GuideStar 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency. Our finances are an open book to you; please head to our page on financial transparency to see the past three years of our filed IRS Form 990 and our proof of 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
Your Donations Support:
Providing high-quality accessible services.
The Oregon Council on Problem Gambling will provide the highest quality, cutting-edge responsible and problem gambling awareness and educational services to Oregonians.
Advocating on key issues affecting Oregonians.
The Oregon Council on Problem Gambling will be a respected voice on responsible and problem gambling issues, policies and practices that affect Oregonians.
Developing a concerted Oregon research agenda.
The Oregon Council on Problem Gambling will provide a concerted, high-quality gambling research initiative that will be scalable based upon organizational capacity.
Donate Securely Here
Visit our PayPal donation page to donate via PayPal or all major forms of credit cards. Your gift is tax-deductible.
You can also help us through AmazonSmile!
When you make us your preferred charity, AmazonSmile sends us 0.5% of eligible purchase dollars at no cost to you!
By Mail:
Donations can be made to “Oregon Council on Problem Gambling” and send to:
1915 NE Stucki Avenue, Suite 308
Hillsboro, OR 97006
Feel free to add your donation preference to the check memo.